Back from Ipoh!

Monday, 18 May 2009

I'm on a travel marathon in May because of the college / university holidays, despite the fact that H1N1 is already in Malaysia, everyone seems to have confidence in their beloved government, so here goes.

The first stop is Ipoh, where I actually got played T.T. At first everyone seemed to be excited and wanted to go to Keat Eng's birthday party at Ipoh, surprisingly I found out that only 4 people kept their promises :( Too late to say no, so it's a go! I'll share some interesting pictures of us and the places we went!

The first stop was Sam Poh Cave (I think?), I think most Malaysians know this place, what is in there? I'd say nothing much but turtles! The number of turtle had decreased over the years, but there were still some big ones there. Only a few of us were there, nobody else, I wonder where's all the tourists?


Cute turtle, it says: Hey they don't want you to feed me, but please do so!

Then we head on to Guan Yin's Cave. I LOL-ed when I see the Japanese style decorations all over the place in a Guan Yin Temple. But the place is really beautiful, we took alot of pictures there.

What is this doing in Guan Yin's place? WTF?


Taking picture

Qing Tian Wawa ( Sunny/weather dolls)

Bai-bai-ing, Japanese tradition: wishing to running water

Me and Chaoe

Wish cards, there's alot with phone number looking for a date!

F.I.R lose us lar, Me - Waili - MC

At night we went to Keat Eng's birthday party. It was so crowded, we gave her a Sonic gear speaker as present but she was so busy that she don't even had the time to take a look at it, haha. We ate abit, cheered for the Malaysian badminton team abit, but eventually they got pawned hard by the Chinese.

Keat Eng's dog struggling to run away

The second day was a rush one, we din't have much time. We went for breakfast at the Ipoh Oldtown. I ordered Milo but they gave me White Coffee T.T (Waitress' OS: Walao come Oldtown drink what Milo, give u White Coffee!). Then we went to the 3rd cave, Kek Lok Cave. There's a big garden behind the cave with beautiful plants, lake and scenery. Not as interesting as the previous cave but this one is definitely a place that you would like to spent hours reading a book here.

Keat Eng, Chaoe and me at Kek Lok Cave

Chaoe and Me

The last place we went was Kellie's castle, a castle owned by an English long time ago. There were tales that he built the castle for his wife, but she died in it before the castle was even completed. Some said they saw Kellie's spirit in the castle wandering around, sounds mysterious. There's quite a number of rooms, wine room, guest rooms, storeroom, there's even a lift and a secret basement tunnel to escape in case of emergency.

Half constructed / destroyed

Wanted to go into the basement

We went back to KL straight after we left Kellie's castle. This marks the end of the trip but something else happened that day. I arrived at my Condo at 4.15pm, my bus back to Kuantan was at 5. After a quick pack I rushed down, tried to get a cab to the bus station.

The taxi drivers offered RM15 (double of the actual price). I was mad because the taxi drivers there are so selfish, they wanna earn more, but never thought of understanding the financial problem of students. In fact by refusing to charge by meter, they can be warned and punished by the taxi council. I refused to pay, I took another cab to the LRT station after waiting for 10 minutes, which cost me RM3. I wouldn't even pay RM3 if I had time.

Luckily I found a really nice driver at the station that took me to the bus terminal with a fair price, and he told me that he hated those selfish taxi drivers too! I made it to the terminal 5 minutes before the departure, pretty much sums up the exciting (and frustrating) day.

Really exhausting trip because I traveled from Kuantan -> KL -> Ipoh -> KL -> Kuantan
I'll have one day rest before my next destination
Next Stop: Redang Island!!!!


  1. Xen | a.k.a | Frosty said...

    The F.I.R part was ROFL, but it seems like a pretty fun trip.

    Have fun traveling ;)

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